It's another day o' birth and to mark another year older I thought I would write down the 28 reasons I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
1. This is the last birthday with my birth last name....bittersweet!
2. I get to celebrate my birthday watching one of my best friends get married.
3. Everyday I am greeted by the sweetest little pug Faith who loves me no matter what.
4. My family is my best friend. I have the best mom, dad and sisters anyone could ask for
5. I get to go to a job I love with people who make me smile
6. this year I won a beautiful new yard and am finally proud of my house again
7. My friends are my rock. Cheers to you Megan, Trina, Melanie and Holly for all you have done for me this year and always.
8. My fiancée loves me no matter what, always make me smile and makes me want to grow old (with him)
9. I got my travel fix this year and it is just beginning (Vegas, Tortola, Vegas)
10. Co-workers bringing me treats...cinnamon dulce latte, laughing cow cheese, banana nut bread, home-made ice cream
11.Sushi lunch with Mom, Sis & Mel and buying the book she knew I was dying to finish (darn library due dates)
12. Having the best MOH ever, knows exactly what I like and is always sending me amazing ideas.
13. Having the support of everyone around John and I during our wedding planning, everyone has been so positive and loving. We feel so blessed
14. Mizzou football is starting....homecoming here we come
15. So many things to look forward to....engagement photos, reception food tasting, bachelorette party, showers...etc,
16. Finally feeling comfortable in my own skin, it literally took me 28 years but I am feeling better than ever
17. Being Healthy, this is an obvious one.
18. All my dog sitting families....I truly love taking care of your babies and appreciate the extra income for real!
19. Drama-free friendship, I am so happy to finally be surrounded by all positive friends who always lift me up
20. John mowing my lawn...this surprisingly gives me more joy than you will ever know
21. Tuesday Family Nights, best tradition we ever started. Brings us together every week to catch up and have fun
22. Work Out Wednesday (WOW) we have been doing this for a year now and it is so therapeutic both physically and mentally
23. Starting an awesome relationship with my cousin Megan, having her here this summer was so great and I look forward to all our fun times ahead!
24. My new bike. It is already a couple months old but it was the best gift john has ever gotten me.
25. An awesome wedding party. Amie, Rachel, Megan, Trina, Matt, Bogie, Champlin, Tim and that is one amazing team. Nuff said!
26. My parents have been married almost 32 years, not many kids are that lucky these days.
27. Blessed with a wonderful roommate for almost 4 years, we have had some amazing times and I feel blessed to have had such a great roommate!
28. In 133 days I will be married to my best friend.