Enjoying his birthday pancake at Gailey's |
Happy Birthday to Sawyer!!!! He is officially 2 years old as of 3:59 PM today. While he totally acts like a two-year old, it's hard for me to believe it is already here. He blesses us each and every day and we are so thankful to be his parents.
We celebrated Sawyer's birthday yesterday with a small gymnastics party and today I was able to take off work to spend the day with the birthday boy and John. We started with his favorite breakfast at Gailey's and had his 2-year checkup with his pediatrician and then we spent the rest of the day playing.
Thanks for all his wonderful family and friends who have helped celebrate or wished him Happy Birthday...he is one happy little boy!
Weight: 32 lbs. 8 oz. (90th percentile) -- at his first birthday he was 21 pounds
Height: 2 ft. 11 in. (75th percentile) -- at his first birthday he was 2 ft. 5 in.
Eating: Loves to snack but not into meals right now. His favorites are fruit snacks, oatmeal, hamburgers (only Wendy's), cereal, turkey dogs, smoothies and yogurt (and of course ice cream and frosty's)
he loves smoothies!! |
Sleeping: Still a great sleeper. Goes to bed about 7:30 pm each night and wakes around 7 or 8 am.
Clothing: 2T and some 3T in shirts. 2T in pants, size 6-7 shoes
Diapers: size 6, hopefully the last size he has to wear. Starting pull ups this week too.
Playing: Obsessed with playing hockey right now, every day when we pick him up that is the first thing he wants to do. He has his red hockey stick and he puts Shrek in as goalie and he pretends he is the Oshie (as in TJ Oshie, from the Blues). He pretends to ice skate and even pauses and says "Zamboni, clean ice." He has also started to play pretend a lot and nurture his stuffed toys. He will tuck them in and read them a book/sing them a song like he is putting them to sleep. He feed his minion and even put a diaper on him the other day.
putting Stewart to bed |
Teething: All his teeth are in, except the molars.
Got a hair cut before his big party |
Talking: What doesn't he say? I really can't keep track. He has increased his 2 and 3-word sentences and knows how to tell us exactly what he wants. He counted to 10 last week on his own in the back seat while watching Elmo. He also is starting to distinguish between Right and Left (mostly because of playing hockey). He also can say most of the alphabet with help. Colors are someone of a struggle for him. He knows all of them, he just gets caught on labeling them..he has mastered Red and Blue though. One of my favorite phrases is "Come on guys" when he wants us to go somewhere.
Potty Training: We have been talking about it a lot more lately and if he sits on the potty he gets a sticker. Not much success yet though.
Other Developments: He starts in his new classroom tomorrow Feb. 18. He will be with all 2 and 3-year olds, which will be great for him. They have a small potty that they start to work on potty training. I am so excited for this new challenge for him and can't wait to see how much he develops. He has also been taking gymnastics now for over a month and has show significant improvement. He is following instructions and taking turns. He can do all the flips and obstacles almost on his own. It has been a great way foster his energy!!
It was a nice day (in the 50s) just like the day he was born |
Don't worry I had a photographer there to get some of the birthday boy :)
The adorable cake, thanks to Lauren |
We had a very romantic valentine's Friday with our animated little guy |
Talking on the phone with Siri |
A stop at Hurts Donut |
Messy! |