
Friday, November 27, 2015

Holiday in Pictures // Thanksgiving

I am so extremely thankful for my family and my friends, and I try not to wait until Thanksgiving to express that. However, it is such a great time to do so and we feel blessed to not only get the opportunity to get together but also enjoy it! We also get to celebrate with friends through hosting our annual Friendsgiving. Scout's had a wonderful first thanksgiving and was quite the trooper.
Here are the pictures:


Sterling, Aleah, and Elliot at the girl's table
Kingston, Sawyer, and Ashton at the boy's table

A little trickier this year to get a group photo


asleep before heading to my parents.
Amie's turkey cheese ball
Dad carving the turkey

Sawyer having kiddie "wine"

Grandma and Sawyer

Brian and Amie 

One of Sawyer's favorite traditions
Auntie Rachel

Welcoming Eileen to the family!

Kaiden and Sawyer playing at Papa Sam & Mama June's

Pappa Sam carving the turkey

Scout just couldn't hang 

Aunt Karen

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Scout // 5 Months

5 months already? Where has the time gone? Scout is growing like a weed and is almost double his birth weight! We are also starting to notice he is looking less and less like Sawyer! 

Here is how Sawyer stacked up when he was five months. Very close again, especially with eating and sleeping. Scout has him a little on weight but boy was Sawyer more mobile at this point. Not that Scout isn't but not as crazy as Mr. Sawyer!

Scout 5 Month stats

weight: 16 lbs. 7 oz.  - at 3 months he was 15 lbs. 2 oz.

height: 26 inches- at 3 months he was 25 1/4 inches

clothing: 6 and 6-9 months, some 9 months fit him too.

diapers: up to Size 3

eating: Going longer now 4 to 4.5 hours during the day. We have introduced more solids so I think it is keeping with him longer. He has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, sweet potatoes and peas. He has loved them all too! At school he takes one 6 oz. bottle in the morning after his cereal, eats veggies at lunch and I nurse him around 2 pm.

sleeping: Still sleeping at great at night. He goes about 5 hours in between feedings and a few times went 6-8 hours. He is starting to do better with sleeping at school too.

teething: A little tooth has made an appearance, it hasn't completely broken through but the top of it is through the gum.
Tiny little tooth!

other updates: He is sitting up great supported and has almost complete neck control now. He will lunge forward towards the spoon when we are feeding him. He loves tummy time and sitting in his bumbo. He like to converse with anyone around him. One of his favorite things to do while on the floor is play with his toes.

Here are some more pictures and videos from the month:

5-month shoot video:
Eating sweet potatoes:
big brother always helping
trying out his walker

cat nap
Get outta there mom!
loves to see himself

Scout // 4 Months

Scout had his 4-month checkup today and we got to see how much he has grown, unfortunately he had to get some shots. We did get the ok to start cereal and some foods. He has definitely made some big changes over the month as far as his strength and movements. He is more active and vocal. We are starting to really see his personality. As you can tell by the photos I post, he is so happy and playful. I can already tell he is going to be quite the social little guy. After reading what Sawyer was doing at this age, we decide to bring out the Jolly Jumper and he loved it! We also plan to let him try out the walker this week too.

Here is how Sawyer stacked up when he was four months. Once again they are super close, even the exact same weight!

Scout 4 Month stats

weight: 15 lbs. 2 oz. (41 percentile) - at 3 months he was 14 lbs. 6 oz.

height: 25 1/4 inches (52 percentile) - at 3 months he was 25 inches

clothing: 3-6 and 6 months. 3 months is really too small. Wearing 6-12 month socks

diapers: still Size 2

eating: Same as last month.....breast milk, eating every 3-5 hours depending on how active he is. Earring longer each time for 15-18 minutes. We think he might be ready for some cereal/oatmeal because he isn't sleeping as long at night now. He seems to be hungry every 4-5 hours at night too when it used to be more like 6-8.

sleeping: He is great at sleeping at night, will eat and go right to bed but not sleeping as long as he used to, 4-5 hour stretches. Sleeping better at school now though, has even taken a 3-hour nap there.

teething: No sign of teeth yet but he is drooling like crazy and constantly chews on his WHOLE hand, yes the whole thing fits in his little mouth.

other updates: Holding his head up on his own and even acting like he wants to crawl. He talks a ton, constantly cooing and babbling like he is trying to converse with us. He reminds me of Sawyer, always moving his arms and legs, especially to music or when he is excited.

Here are some more pictures and videos from the month:
he was so happy during our shoot, had to share a couple more

Trying to crawl:

We love bath time together
Fishing with Big Bro
He even lets his brother shave his legs

Felt like such a big boy!

Jolly jumper video:

Friday, November 20, 2015

Baby Food Making

First taste of baby food, carrots
When Sawyer was a baby, my mother and I got together every week and made his baby food. We would visit the farmer's market or produce section at the grocery store and experiment with all different types of food for him.

Now that Scout is old enough to try foods, we have started the tradition again. We have already made carrots and sweet potatoes...he has approved of both. My mom found small containers at Dollar General (4 for $1) since I had thrown all Sawyer's out. They are the perfect size.

To  help other Moms out there who might be going through this same stage, I have compiled my entire list of baby food recipes in this one blog, in order.

For us, it saved money but also was comforting to know exactly what we are feeding our boys.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Have fun!


Sweet Potatoes

Squash & Green Beans





Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fall Family Photos

We had J Design Studio take some Fall Family photos for us since we hadn't taken a good family of four picture yet, plus we needed one for our Christmas Card. Once again, they did a wonderful job. We just love what they do. 
Here are our favorites (you can see them all here)

Thanks Jared & Joanna!