
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

j+k: AG Edition

John and I are pretty much the complete opposite of country folk, I grew up in St. Louis and John just was always more of a city boy.  Monday night we were invited to the Gold Buckle Gala at the Oasis, not having one clue about what it entailed, we said "what the heck".  We were completely out of our element but we had a blast.
Here is the lowdown: the Gala’s primary purpose is to recognize the efforts of Southwest Missouri District 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors who have qualified for the prestigious Gala Auction, and to award youth grants and scholarships...for more info click here

We learned a lot and I was definitely the black sheep of the table being the only non-red meat eater at the cattle auction but everyone was very sweet none-the-less.

We didn't get a lot of pictures but here are a few.

The Pre-Gala entertainment

Top Hog Auction

The Top Steer Auction

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! Hope you guys will come back again next year in boots :-) It was so good running into you.
