
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sawyer: 5 Months

Look at my guns!!!

I got really psyched to post about Sawyer at 5 Months because of all the fun and new things he has learned over the last 4 weeks. Nowadays, he is basically learning something new each and every day.

I don't like to stop moving for photos!

Here are the stats this month:
Weight: 16.5 lbs.

Eating: still nursing and takes 6 oz. bottles when he is away from me. His schedule now is nursing in the morning, rice cereal around 6:30 am, bottle/nurse around 11:00 with his veggies (this week is green beans), bottle/nurse around 4, veggies again around 6 and nurse before bed around 9:00 pm. Sometime depending on how hard he plays he will take another bottle in the afternoon. He has also started trying to help us feed him. He grabs the spoon and pulls it to his mouth and is quite good at holding his own bottle.

Sleeping: Still a great sleeper and now sleeps on his belly with his butt in the air (my favorite!). Usually he will go about 9:00 pm – 6:00 am but sometimes he likes to get up around 4 am to eat and go right back to bed until 9 or 10 am.

Clothing: wearing 6-9 month clothes, can still fit into some of his 3-6 month onesies though. Socks don’t seem to fit him even the ones that say “up to 12 months”.

Diapers: still in Size 2, when this pack runs out we are going to try size 3 because he has peed out a couple times.

Playing Peek-a-Boo
Playing: Since last month he has started to roll and boy does he roll a lot. He is even working super hard to crawl, right now it is a bunch of scooting in circles and lunging towards toys. Just Sunday night, he learned how to get his knees underneath and scoot. He has officially found his feet and holds on to them a lot and puts them right in his mouth. He also loves to play Peek-a-boo, makes him giggle really hard. Still loving the pool, we try to go once a week.

Talking: The cutest thing he does now is sing, during church he sings along during the Hymns and at night he sings himself to sleep. I think the vibration relaxes him. He also reads along to books at story time. His little voice is so sweet!

Teething: At his 4 month check-up the doc said she didn’t see any except low in the gum line. He is chewing everything and still drooling a lot but we are hoping we have a few more months sans teeth.


Working to get his pacifier
Other new developments: His hand-eye coordination has really improved; he is able to spot his pacifier, reach, grab it and put it in his mouth (sometimes missing of course). He has also learned to reach for things he wants, he even does this with people…he reached for me when I came to feed him on my lunch break one day and just made my day. 

Getting Ready to head to school with his knee protectors/leg warmers on for crawling!

1 comment:

  1. He just gets more adorable every day! It's so amazing watching his development here on your blog. It will be fun to look back on later when you start to forget this precious baby stage.
