Thanksgiving is just the perfect mix of family, food and long weekends! John and I both had both thursday and friday off so we got to see a lot of people and do a lot more this year.
Wednesday, we went out for a couple hours to Metro for Wild Turkey Wednesday and to visit our friend Matt who is in town from DC.
Thursday, we had Hamra family photos in the early afternoon, lunch at my parents house with my sisters and parents and an early dinner back at the John's grandparent's house. Sawyer was great all day, didn't nap but was still a happy camper. It was the first time he got to meet his Great Aunt Jackie and Uncle Carlos and his second cousins Andrew and Gabrielle. He just loved them! We went back to my parents later that night and Sawyer decided to have major blowout (he had a lotsof food!) so we finished thanksgiving with a bath!
Friday, we just relaxed and did stuff around the house. We got out for a couple hours and shopped but headed back early to have dinner with John's mom and step-dad.
Saturday, we drove up to St. Louis to have Thanksgiving with my mom's family. It was great because Sawyer got to meet a lot of new faces he hadn't met yet - 3 Great Uncle Steve's (a popular name in our family), Great Aunt Shelley, My Cousin's Dave, Tom, Tim, Melissa & Melanie and her husband Matt. He got to see his second cousin Chase for the second time and they were adorable together! I can't wait for christmas!
Gabrielle & Sawyer meet |
Jackie & Sawyer |
Mike, Carlos, Bob and John |
Sawyer with Gabrielle and Katie |
My dad and I, Thanksgiving 2011 when I was pregnant and 2012 with Sawyer |
Family photo Attire |
Bath time! |
Steak N Shake stop on our road trip to St. louis |
Chase kissing Sawyer |
Games at Steve & Shelley's after dinner. |
Chewy guarding Sawyer as he sleeps |
Sawyer learned to wave over the weekend and got 3 new teeth! |
First Thanksgiving! He was such a trooper all weekend. I watched the bath video 5 times :o) I never get tired of hearing him talk. Love his little voice!