Sneak peak at Sawyer's 1 Year Session |
He wasn't a fan of cake to our surprise. |
Here is a recap of all his monthly photos this past year
At 3:59 p.m. today, we will officially have a 1 year old!!!! Fastest year of my life! When I
think about the day we first laid eyes on Sawyer I get very emotional like it
was so long ago. I went through and looked through all his first photos, videos and blog posts yesterday and was in awe at how different he looks. He has become a little man full of personality.
I am proud to say I made my goal of nursing for a full year!!! This is probably
the most rewarding/fufilling goals I have ever completed. There were times I
didn’t think we would make it but I would pray about it and we would keep on
truckin’. I started weaning him last week with cutting out his lunch feeding,
this was extremely difficult….for me. Sawyer did great, I had issues not seeing
him during the day. We both are more adjusted now and this week we will start
cutting out the harder feedings of morning and bedtime. This is his comfort
time so I am sure it will be a few days of tears.
If you feel like reminiscing with are a couple posts from when he arrived:
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Best moment of my life! |
If you feel like reminiscing with are a couple posts from when he arrived:
Weight: 21, we are no longer worried he is too skinny…this
boy has chunked up!
Eating: Still Nursing!!! But only 2 feedings a day, and this
will soon go to 1 and then 0. He is also now drinking organic whole milk to
replace the breast milk and eats everything we eat. New foods he has tried are Grapefruit (loves) and watermelon
(not a fan, yet)
Sleeping: Still a great sleeper. Sleeps 9-10 hours a night
and loves to take really long weekend naps (2-3 hrs). At school he is only now
taking 1 nap for about an hour. And this week we moves from a crib to a cot at school.
Clothing: Wearing 9-12 month clothes, still a little long
but looks much better. Moved up to size 5 shoe. Can still fit some of his 4s.
Diapers: size 4
Playing: Has started to enjoy playing by himself and he will
talk to his toys, it is adorable. He loves to run and throw balls and climb
stairs! Getting really good at his shape sorter by finding the right shapes for
the right spots. I love when he grabs a book and brings it too me to read to
him, he will sit down for about one page and then he is off again. My favorite
new trick he does is blowing raspberries on my belly. He will pull up my shirt
and blow until he makes noise, it is hilarious!
Talking: He has been saying all types of new words. New
words are “bye, bye”, "clap" and “duck”. He sometimes sounds like he is trying to say
“grandma” and “grandpa”. He has full conversations in baby talk with
inflection, you can tell he is listening to how we talk. He also sings,
expecially in church during the hymns.
Teething: Sawyer still has 6 but I spotted a new one on the
bottom to the right of his other 2.
Other developments: He has started to clap and even says "clap, clap" (see video). He even clapped
the other day when my mom picked him up from school. He has started waving bye
bye too. He is running and walking everywhere. Just last night John and I would say "stomp, stomp" and he would stomp like
he is marching. He also loves to kiss, he will grab your face and try to kiss you, I love it! This morning when I asked "where's your belly", he grabbed his belly...he also located my belly!
Man what a year of accomplishments! Grandma and Grandpa E are so proud of our big boy and we love him very much!