Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sawyer // 4 years

At 3:59 p.m. Sawyer Farris Hamra will be 4!!!! What?! How in the world did this happen?

There are so many things about him that I love, especially having a little best friend.

As Sawyer's Mom, I have learned many things about life and myself...
he centers me
he amazes me
he humbles me
he challenges me
he infuriates me (darn threenagers)
and best of all he makes me slow down and enjoy the little things.

He is my favorite little comedian and negotiator. Way too smart for his years. Daily, I'm left in awe of the new things he has learned and appears to understand (like how to change a tire).

I'm honestly not really sure how I went 28 years without him. 

As I laid him in bed last night, I said "Sawyer it is your last night as a three year old"

He started to cry and his heartbreaking yet adorable response, "I don't want to be 4 mom because then I'm adult and I don't want to be big like you."

Me: "but you have many years until that happens sweetie"

S: "but I've been eating so much more lately and you told me that makes me big"

Touché and happy birthday my sweet Soy Bean, we love you to the Infinity and Beyond!
Instantly in love
so tiny!
10 months old
1 year old
1 year old
2 years old
2 years old
3 years old
3 years old (about 2 weeks before his birthday)
4 years old
Sawyer at 4 years old:

  • 39 lbs
  • Loves hotdogs, PB&J, and chicken nuggets. 
  • Loves to sing and can actually carry a tune.
  • Current favorite book is Where the Sidewalk Ends (thanks Grandma Donnetta)
  • Favorite movie is the Wizard of Oz. 
  • Favorite show is Paw Patrol.  
  • Could run and run and run all day long. 
  • Every morning he wants a Kasha Granola bar with Chocolate Almond milk (so fancy!)
  • Every night after he eats, he says "Can I have dessert".  
  • He loves the color blue. 
  • Loves trains, legos, hide 'n seek, and board games.
  • Does not like comfy pants (unless playing hockey or sleeping)
  • Will only wear shoes if they make him fast.
  • Loves dance parties, playing hockey, and watching Cardinals baseball.
  • Obsessed with Florida and sleeping in hotels.
  • Can say all the days of the week, months of the year, and count to 100.
  • Awesome at spelling his name, mom and dad.
  • Can sing the entire 12 Days of Christmas.
  • Loves his little brother so much and gave him the nickname Scouty.
  • Knows all about clouds and weather, can name what kind they are and what they mean.
  • At bedtime we do a game he created called "Big Hand, Little Hand", where we make shadows on the ceilings with our hands and/or his stuffed animals
  • Loves gum but quickly spits it out after it, "Loses its kind"
Surprised the Bday boy with a room full of balloons!

Picking out birthday donuts to take to school to celebrate


  1. Love this whole post so much. But honey you didn't live 38 years without him :)

  2. Love this whole post so much. But honey you didn't live 38 years without him :)
