he was moving of course, so his hand disappeared |
SAWYER WALKED! This was definitely the highlight of the past
few weeks. He isn’t walking full-time officially but he has taken up to 4 steps
not holding on multiple times this weekend. We all had said we thought he would
be walking by Christmas and looks like he wanted to prove us right.
I just love his little leg muscles |
Stats this month
Weight: 18.5 (that
is up 1 pound since his 9 month appointment, yippee!)
Length: 27.5 inches
(haven’t measured him since Dec. 6, so he might be longer)
Eating: Still
nursing and eating anything and everything in site. Loves finger foods like
cheerios, rice krispees, string cheese and bread. He has also tried pizza,
pasta, pigs in a blanket and a lollipop. Loved them all.
Sleeping: His sleep
has really improved. Doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night like he was for
a while and usually gets between 8-9 hours. His bedtime is 8-8:30 p.m.
Clothing: wears 6-9
months clothes still, 12 months are too long for his little legs.
Diapers: size 3
Some of his artwork from school |
Playing: His new
trick….talking on the phone. We gave him his own iphone (it is my old one) and
he will pretend to have a conversation and even pause like someone is on the
other line. He is a great player! Loves the shape sorter and activity table.
Also loves balls. He has learned to hide his pacifier and then when he finds it
he yells “yaaaa”. He walks all around the house (holding on) playing with
different toys, opening and closing cabinets and exploring. He is interested in
Talking: “Momma” is
definitely the word for the last couple weeks; he tends to go back and forth.
He also has little made up conversations while he is playing that sounds like
full sentences. He cracks himself up too, which is so adorable.
Teething: He has 4
new additions to his top gums. For a week or so he just had the side canines so
he looked like a little vampire but the front two also decided to come in. They
aren’t all the way down but in a couple weeks he will have a real smile.
Other developments:
Sawyer love to wave and point. My favorite thing is when I get home he points
at me and yells with a smile “MOMMA”. He also has starting to shake his head
no, and likes to do it a lot!